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  • Writer's pictureDerrick Heydon

2000s Party: 4 Songs to Ignite the Dancefloor at Your Reception

When you're deciding on who should be the DJ at your wedding, you probably want to hear a sample of what kind of musical concoctions they can stir up to ignite the dancefloor. Well, for me, I like to build the night up by quick mixing popular songs so that you only hear the parts of it that you actually know and then we move on to the next one.

In this blog post, you're getting a sample of a sensational 4-song DJ mashup where I'm blending hip hop and pop together, which will tug on your nostalgic strings a bit if you love music from the 2000s.

The mix starts with Doja Cat's "Get Into It (Yuh)," which sets the tone with its catchy hooks. When the beat starts, you're hearing that mashed up on top of the iconic drums from "Drop It Like It's Hot" by Snoop Dogg and Pharrell Williams. About 30 seconds later, Doja Cat is already done and the crowd will be rapping along with Pharrell word-for-word. We're already transitioning into the next song, "Summer Love" by Justin Timberlake when the first chorus hits. Just when everyone's losing their reminiscent minds, I'm unleashing the guitar chords from Miley Cyrus' timeless hit "Party In The USA," to get everyone dancing even harder.

The magic of this 4-minute mashup lies in my ability to carefully transition and adjust tempos that create a continuous flow and ensures the energy never wanes. The dynamic beats and vibrant melodies combined with the catchy hooks and relatable lyrics of pop create a unique musical experience that appeals to everyone.

If you want to 2000s era music on your wedding night, you are in for a treat with this quick mix:

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